Friday, June 15, 2012

It's No Surprise

If you're like me, you've been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for who pro-abortion and free (at least to her) birth control advocate Sandra Fluke was going to endorse for President this year. My friends, the wait is over.

Fluke's endorsing President Obama.

Whew! Now that we have that taken care of, let's focus on who former American Idol singer Adam Lambert is going to vote for this year!

Really? Was there any doubt Fluke was going to support Obama given how Fluke has connections to the Obama White House? Isn't that like the neighborhood thief endorsing the police chief who turns the other way when there's a rash of thefts in the robber's neighborhood?

But let me take it a step further. Fluke's endorsement of Obama is indicative of how the Left turns a blind eye to women's issues. Sure, Democrats love to talk about the "Republican war on women," but what exactly has Obama done for women since becoming President? I mean, aside from paying his female staffers less? The truth is he's done...nothing substantial. One of his first acts as President was to sign the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, which Leftists love to crow about when talking about the Left's commitment to women's rights. Yet, by his own actions, Obama is a fair-weather friend to women.

Remember "Julia," the fictional female cooked up by the Obama reelection team to show how Obama's record on women's issues was superior to the Republicans' record? If you paid close attention, you saw Julia rely on government at every stage of her life. As I pointed out previously, the underlying message is the Left believes women need government at every step because they're not capable of doing it themselves. That, my friends, is pure misogyny, wrapped up in a Obama/Biden campaign package.

Leftists like Ms. Fluke have been conditioned to be just like "Julia": victims that can only succeed through government intervention. And thanks to media outlets like CNN and MSNBC, Fluke can continue to milk her infamy a little while longer. Put another way, the Left keeps using Ms. Fluke and she keeps talking, all the while ignoring or completely missing the irony of her media-driven empowerment being used by the media to strip women of their true power by trying to reduce them to little girls who need a Daddy to help them.

A Daddy like...Barack Obama.

It's no surprise how that works out, is it?

1 comment:

WARCHICK said...

I'll bet Da Fluke us for legitamizing pot and forced fagotry too...