Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Population Bomb Is A Dud

Ted Turner came out recently and said there are too many people on the planet. Turner is the latest person to suggest that we're too crowded on the lovable hunka rock we call Earth. (On a side note, have you noticed that all the people who say there are too many people on the planet are living? It boggles the mind.)

Overpopulation is another facet to the same kind of leftist feel-good pseudo-science designed to make us feel bad about living in America. Speaking personally, I happen to like living in America, so I don't feel guilty. (Although I do feel a little peckish right now. Let me make a sandwich quick and I'll get back to you.)

Okay, where were we? Oh yes, the population problem. Are there some parts of the globe that are overpopulated? Yes there are. Is the planet a whole overpopulated? Not so much.

The logic, such that it is, that we've overpopulated the Earth is based in the notion that there is a finite amount of resources (money, natural resources, Wayans Brothers movies) to go around. These good-hearted, but thick-witted folks see poverty (i.e. a homeless person) and jump to the conclusion that if things were spread out a little more evenly then the poor (i.e. the people who majored in Women's Studies at UC Berkeley) wouldn't be poor (i.e. working in the stock room at the Gap).

The problem with their idea is the fact that, well, it's complete bunk. The economy isn't a big pie. (I chalk up this idea from the overcrowding criers to the fact that there are so many pie graphs connected to economics. Just a thought.) If it were a pie, it would constantly be adjusting itself to fit the current situations. That's the beautiful thing about it: it isn't static. The economy will ebb and flow over time.

I hate to break this to the leftists who read this, but life is not required to be fair to all. Some people are talented in certain fields and can make money pursuing those fields, and others aren't. That's not a fault of the capitalist system. It's based on choices that are made, both by the person affected and by others affecting that person. And, no, this doesn't mean I believe in "institutional racism", but that's a blog post for another time.

Now, what do the people concerned about overpopulation have for us as far as a solution? Well, they believe (but few actually act on it) in sterilization. Some even believe birth control and abortion should be worldwide and funded by us. With these last two, it may not be a coincidence. At least in America, the left loves birth control and abortion because they can make money off of them both. Why wouldn't they be put forth as a solution to overpopulation?

Considering neither one has really worked as a population control mechanism so far, I'd say that was a pretty good reason.

Sorry, Teddy, but I'm just not going to go along with you on this flight of fancy you want to take us on for two reasons. One, the entire notion is based on flawed thinking. And two, I don't think someone who colorized black and white movies with colors that don't appear anywhere in nature should have a hand in trying to control a natural process. I'm just sayin'...

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