Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All Hands Out, Not on Deck

Once again, the Obama Administration gives us an insight on how seriously they're taking the Gulf Coast oil spill. Politico reported yesterday that Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson was scheduled to headline a fundraiser for Senate Democrats in Manhattan, but canceled her appearance after Politico broke the story. The fact that she waited this long to cancel her fundraiser appearance in light of the Gulf Coast oil spill isn't all that surprising. If Politico hadn't run the story, I have every reason to believe Jackson would have gone without even a twinge of guilt.

Then again, she's only following the lead of the guy who appointed her. It's also come out recently that President Obama went to California for a fundraiser for Senator Barbara Boxer.

Of course, there's always a possibility that Jackson and Obama could focus on the oil spill and still do fundraising, but that's not the point. The point is that the Administration and its media minions have been complaining about BP's lack of speed in addressing the oil spill, relishing in each failure. Yet, if you look at a full and honest account of what has happened to date, you'll find plenty of failures to act from the Obama Administration.

And while we're here, let me take on another Leftist excuse for the failure of the Obama Administration to adequately address the Gulf Coast oil spill. The New York Times stated that the Administration's hands were tied by BP on cleaning up the spill and sealing the leak. As incompetent as I think the federal government is generally, I don't buy this line at all. It's a convenient excuse for an Administration whose priorities are clearly with raising money, not with addressing the ecological disaster they lament in public.

Besides, isn't the EPA supposed to be able to address this sort of thing? The very EPA that Ms. Jackson heads?

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