Saturday, May 15, 2010

Leftist Coward Watch - Day 13

Let's just say that the Leftist leech is still cowering behind a "Don't Post, Don't Respond" order and leave it at that. I wouldn't want to embarrass him further by pointing out how he can't seem to come up with original material independent of my posts...oops. I just did.

Politics is full of surreal moments, but none have made the Surreal-O-Meter go up to 11 like President Barack Obama getting testy at oil companies for testifying before Congress to try to shift blame away from themselves and onto other parties. Not to mention, he blamed...get this...previous Administrations for their relationships with oil companies. Of course, he spared himself blame for the situation in the Gulf, saying his Administration was fighting against the oil companies to bring them under closer regulation on day one.

Gee, that sounds familiar.

What is interesting to note is how frequently the Obama Administration has been using "day one" rhetoric lately, even when it's clear that the Administration didn't act as decisively on day one as they say they have. Plus, it doesn't explain away the lack of fire booms, which could have helped contain the spill, nor does it explain why BP is doing so much more than the federal government to address the spill. That's part of this story that isn't getting covered nearly enough, but one part that is getting tons of coverage is the President attacking oil companies for the oil spill.

I don't overlook the fact that BP may have cut corners, and if it's proven that they did, they deserve to pay the price. However, I also don't overlook the fact that the federal government's lack of quick action made the problem worse. If Obama wants to hold the oil companies (including ones that didn't have anything to do with the Gulf Coast spill) accountable, then he'd best prepare for others to hold him and his Administration accountable.

And no amount of surreal political finger-pointing will change that.

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