Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Leftist Coward Watch - Day 3

Yes, once again, my Leftist blogger counterpart who hates me, but relies on me for the vast majority of his posts still refuses to allow you good readers the opportunity to respond to him directly on his blog. I guess when you're afraid of other people's better-informed opinions, you're forced to be a one-person echo chamber to keep your ego intact.

Either that, or he's hiding from the latest bit of news about the Gulf Coast oil spill. Seems that Obama's own Department of the Interior chief of staff Tom Strickland was found taking his wife whitewater rafting in the Grand Canyon while the oil spill spread. Granted, the Administration said the trip was "work-focused" and who can doubt them? After all, we're all aware of the terrible oil spills that have occurred in the Grand Canyon since...well, never. But it's not like his department is responsible for the upkeep of our natural resources, right? Oh, wait, it is...

Anyway, it's nice to know that Mr. Strickland's hands were on deck, just as Janet Napoletano said...

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